Nice + Nurturing Cuticle Roll-On
Our poor hands really take a beating when winter hits. Since the Covid-19, our hands have been abused by the repetitive hand washing done for safety precautions.
Even if you're good about moiturinzing and wearing gloves, chancea are they'll be exposed to harsh elements and dry air, as well as constant hand-washing during cold and flu sason. Cracked skin not only looks bad, it can provid an entry point for germs.
There is a lot we can do to improve the condition of our nails.
Taking care of cuticles and nails that's been exposed to more than the usual amount of environmental damage makes sense. Our Nice + Nurturing Cuticle oil in a portable roll-on containing nourishing everyday ingredients such as frankincense can help protect and repair your hands, give your skin a youthful glow and reduce the apperarance of dark spots.