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CrossFit Exercises

Essential oils offer a wonderful opportunity to athletes and dancers.

Not only do they have the well-established capacity to heal wounds and injury they also play a part in preparing the muscles for full exertion, help prevent injury, allow the body to recover more quickly, reduce pain, improve circulation, tone muscles, and reduce the effects of fatigue.  

Keeping the body working at an optimum level is half the battle in sports, dance, and exercise.  The other aspect of physical activity is the way the mind can influence performance, and essential oils have a unique ability to positively affect mind, mood, and emotion.  









Each sport has its own risk. Hockey, runners, golfers, swimmers, tennis players, football players, soccer players, baseball players, basketball players, dancers, and more have a high potential for physical damage, and when it's our profession, it can be more than a physical blow.  

Our AroMassage oils for Sports, Dance, and Exercise are curated to optimize the potential of elite athletes pre and apres-events.  

Dance Fitness
Sports Practice
Sports, Dance, & Exercise
Shop (Muscles)


Sports massage on leg

If your muscles have been overexercised and are now crying for help, take a long bath, apply one of our AroMassage oils for your muscles, and rest. 

There is a lot we can do to improve the condition of our muscles after participating in sports, dance, and exercise.  

Taking care of muscles that have been exposed to more than the usual amount of work makes sense, and our herbal-infused Nails, Hands, and Feet AroMassage Oils can help your muscles be strong, supple, and flexible so they can work at their best.  


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